Monica Youn presents From From
In conversation with Claudia Rankine
Co-presented with Asian American Writers Workshop and The Racial Imaginary Institute
“Where are you from . . . ? No—where are you from from?” It’s a question every Asian American gets asked, the refrain of an incessant chorus saying you’ll never belong here, you’re a perpetual foreigner, you’ll always be seen as an alien, an object, or a threat. Monica Youn’s From From brilliantly evokes the conflicted consciousness of deracination. If you have no experience of your so-called homeland, how do you piece together an Asian American identity out of Westerners’ ideas about Asians? From From is an extraordinary collection by a poet whose daring and inventive works are among the most vital in contemporary literature. Joined by esteemed writer Claudia Rankine (Just Us) and co-presented with Asian American Writers Workshop and The Racial Imaginary Institute, this is sure to be an unforgettable evening on the Greenlight stage. Learn more here.